Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Cisco VM ESXi wont boot (After restart)

Well, another day another bug!

Cisco bug CSCvh55176 for the official page.

I setup Unity connection fresh install on BE6K with ESXi 6.5. VM booted and worked properly, but after restart the VM didn't boot again and had only a black screen with a cursor, no messages, nothing..

A colleague run into this bug before me so I was provided with the resolution below:

You will need to:

-        boot VM with recovery ISO
-        Once the options appear, press ALT+F2. This will take you to bash prompt.
-        chroot /mnt/part1
-        /usr/bin/ -d
-        You may ignore the errors at the end
-        Exit and disconnect the ISO and make sure you will change the boot order again in BIOS

After above other VMs should be boot as well.